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How low can you go, part zwei

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

A few years ago, I had a thread. My voice was crapped out from self-induced partial laryngitis and allergies. I was wishing I could sing the role of Caiaphas from Jesus Christ, Superstar as it was originally cast.

"All, gentlemen. You know why we are here. We've not much time and quite a problem here."

I was thinking we should do that again. Sure, everyone wants power and control up through the 5th octave and maybe a little higher than that, too.

But I think we ought to revisit the other end, too. I know some of you guys (and maybe gals, too) could rumble the frame of my house, like the freight train that comes through town once a month.

And I will see what I can muster. I am collaberating with Keith on a cover he wants to do. So, I had recorded a sample of what I was doing, so far. And speaking directly into the mic, inches away, explaining what I was doing with the chord progression. And he mentioned that my speaking voice sounded lower than he expected, especially as all he has ever really heard is me singing something like "Full Moon" or "I Believe in a Thing called Love."

I don't think I speak very low but we never really hear ourselves as others hear us.

How low can you go?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I thought the same thing when you sent the first scratch track. Your voice is lower than I expected.

I think I can go fairly low

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  • 2 months later...
  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hehe, interesting thread. I got curious and tried to go as low as i could. First i tried to actually sing and then i just fried. I am not quite sure how low i got here. When i was singing i think i hit a C2 and when i was frying maybe an A!, at least a B1. Here are two examples of me "singing"/frying crap, hahaha:



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  • TMV World Legacy Member

G2 cold, D2 warmed up, C2 with real tone but lower volume. All fry BS below that.

I have original songs that require E2. I would never expect lower (of myself at least) than that on demand for a live situation.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member


I practiced like 3 hours ago and I've eaten since then so I'm not cold or warmed up. The lowest there is at least a C2 connected, if I can remember the lowest I've gotten without fry is like a F#1. An okay trade off compared to it sounding like I'm going all "Halford" when most professional rock tenors are in their mediumish voice in the 4th octave

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Nice to hear some samples. I think those are lower than I can go. I have not done a sample recently and I thought this thread had died a quiet death. Now, I've got to come up with something.

Hoisted by my own petard, as it were.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

D below lowest string on guitar. Would that be D2 standard tuning in USA? A=440. I will try to post sample over the weekwend.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

D below lowest string on guitar. Would that be D2 standard tuning in USA? A=440. I will try to post sample over the weekwend.

Yes, standard tuning puts the lowest pitched open string, #6, at E2.

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