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Everything posted by gno

  1. Sounded good! I was not familiar with the song. Thanks for the video links. Joan was quite a good singer / songwriter.
  2. Fantastic! Excellent job. I appreciate your expressive phrasing and control. Wish I could distort with that kind of control.
  3. Another good job. Yeah this is a very catchy tune. Definitely more on the "commercial" side which may turn off some of the DT fans. But I like this song a lot. It doesn't have to be all technique and complex for it to be a good DT song.
  4. I agree with out - that's a fantastic song too. I think it is one of their best albums in a long time. Maybe even approaching Images and Awake. Did you happen to see them on tour for this album? They had very hilarious video production - cartoons of them. And James Labrie is really on top of his game these days.
  5. Great job guys! That put a smile on my face - a great song.
  6. Sounds really good. Nice lyrics. Glad you're able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. No matter what happens, music will always be with you.
  7. Nice job on this one. Your voice sounds good on this. I agree with Ron - last note: excellent. I saw them perform this - what a great concert. Really great album too. This is one of my favorites off this album.
  8. Excellent job! Beautiful voice! The Delay / Reverb was nicely done, but too high in the mix and taking away from your voice. Bring that down. Also - nice video production, but that pop filter is covering your face too much! I know you need it to record, but if you want to make a good video I think you're going to want to show more of your face.
  9. Keith - I thought it sounded really good. I haven't heard you for a while. I too noticed that your vibrato is sounding faster and more focused.
  10. Sounds good. You've got the rhythm and phrasing down which is a big part of singing.
  11. Excellent Job! Nice phrasing. Great head voice. Great vocal processing and mixing.
  12. Sounds nice. I like that song. I thought you had Cubase where you could record guitar and vocals separately?
  13. I thought it sounded very good - nice and clear - good natural adduction. And great pitch and phrasing - you have a good ear for music. You definitely can take this as far as you want to go.
  14. Mdew - I only listened to the 2nd recording and thought it was great. Good phrasing and rhythm. Did you record the voice separately from the guitar?
  15. Well that's a big subject. There is a lot to it. For one it seems like you are letting go of your support sometimes toward the end of phrases. On the first verse you are having pitch issues - going flat - that can be related to support. The overall tone is kind-of "swallowed". Energize your checks by smiling while singing - that can brighten up your tone. If you want to improve your voice you should think about some lessons or getting a video instruction program - like Robert Lunte's 4 Pillars - he is the owner of this website. If you don't want to spend money right away, there are a limited number of exercises on the web from Seth Riggs that are excellent - they are free. It's not enough to be a complete vocal program, but it would give you some exposure to some exercises to work on.
  16. Not bad. Nice voice. I think you've been singing longer than a couple days ago.
  17. Great job on the vocals. Your dad is very talented. Nice overall production.
  18. Laura - that's a bummer. Out of singing for 6 months? That would drive me crazy! I hope you recover soon. For the record I think your friend set the mic in a fine position. Most of us are using a closer position, but we're generally singing rock. It all depends on the type of mic and the dynamic range. Opera can get very loud. There's no way I can use a 6" distance when I'm singing an operatic aria. You need a lot more space. And if the mic is good it doesn't matter.
  19. Laura - welcome to the forum! The interpretation, phrasing and dynamics are spot on. Nice job. You have a beautiful voice. It's obvious you know how to support. The comments on pitch are right. You are all over the place in a bunch of areas. But this is the first time you sang through equipment like this? It can take some getting used to - you just need more experience. Is your setup or someone else's? I think it would be excellent for you to do a lot of this recording yourself. These pitch issues will go away with practice in this environment. The level of singing you do is beyond this. Bravo for doing the recording and getting the feedback.
  20. Sounds good to me. You've got a nice light mix voice going on in the chorus. Not sure I would change anything with the vocals. I would cut the reverb on the voice and other instruments. The reverb is too thick and is distracting. Not sure what kind of compressor settings you're using the vocals but that may help too. The intro piano part has too much dynamic range and when the strings come in they are jumping in too loudly. I'd make sure the piano has the appropriate compressor settings to even out the dynamics - bringing up the low parts of the piano. Or work on the Piano velocities. And tame those strings when they come in.
  21. Thanks for the positive feedback Phil. Glad you took a listen.
  22. Not bad for a first start. You should train with someone if you want to improve. That will be the fastest way. Sounds like you need more control over your support mechanism. Your connection from chest to head is good as you are not pulling chest. You will want to smooth that transition of course. There are so many things that a teacher can help with.
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