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Everything posted by MDEW

  1. Sounded pretty good. I have never heard that song before. I like it.
  2. I found out what was striking me as odd. You have the correct chords for the key you are singing in. You are using a slightly different strumming pattern. Even though I am new to this song I was imagining a different strumming pattern for an acoustic accompaniment to fit that guitar lick. What you are doing is not wrong only different. I found an acoustic version of Artic Monkeys. They are playing 1 step higher than you are. They are in the key of Gm. and You are in F#minor.
  3. I listened. I don't think anything too bad was going on with your voice. I was thinking that something was off though. I am not familier with the song so I listened to Artic Monkeys. They are only using a few notes on the guitar for their background music. I am thinking that some of the guitar chords were wrong, or maybe you were strumming Full chords when you should have been using just 2 note chords. Perhaps you played a Minor chord when it should have been a Major. Did you work out the chords on your own or did you look them up on the internet?
  4. Sing Wither's pitch. Don't hit it. Seriously, singing more in that range will make that range stronger. It will feel easier singing on the lower pitches but you are not singing you are speaking on pitch. There is a difference. Start with songs where the singing pitch is slightly above your speaking pitch. A main factor in singing is breath control/support. You would normally sing louder than you speak. With the pitch you where using on "Ain't no sunshine" I doubt that it was as loud as when you speak normally. That is one indication that you were too low in your range.
  5. You started off on pitch (an octave lower) but when Bill went to a higher pitch you stayed where you were. Go ahead and try to sing the song at the same pitch that Bill is singing. You may think that it is too high for you but it is not. Almost every beginning Male singer thinks they are a Bass or Baritone when they are not. They try to sing the songs lower than they should believing that the proper note to start on is too high for them.
  6. Sounding good Ronws. Add this to your Camp fire List also. Before long you will have enough for a one man show at your local Campground. I do not know how things are in Texas but around here it is easier to get a gig as a one man band than it is to have a full 5 piece band with all the bells and whistles(hillbilly slang) (cow bells and Saxaphones for the rest of you).
  7. I have to admit that I do not know Kamelots' music But I did enjoy this. I have always liked the sound of your voice. I have also noticed that your vibrato sounds a lot better these days. (It has been a few months since the last time I listened to one of your songs in the critique section).
  8. I would also love to hear your voice with the music. :)
  9. As with any song if you concentrate on pitch and not the expression you will sound dull. Do not sing it like you are reading from a book on pitch. Sing it like you are telling the story to someone in person.
  10. Sounds good to me. I like the tone of your voice and you were very expressive. :)
  11. For this song 2 things stand out. 1. you are a male( if not forgive me and try singing an octave higher) the song is by a female. 2. I did not hear the original singer singing. This is more of a talking on pitch song. There is no room for any dynamics in this type of song to work on. Sing something that has some melodic movement and dynamics to it.
  12. Yes. People keep telling me for a singer I am a pretty good guitar player. :| :P
  13. Not the first and only recording but it is straight through without punch ins or do overs. I went a little heavy on the reverb. :/ Flubbed a few words. Any comments welcome. I figured I would get back to some good ole Blues.
  14. Sounded good Ronws. Right now this may seem a little low for your voice but the more you sing it the more your voice will settle into it. Keep this in your set list.
  15. Yes the voice is a seperate track. I have an old digital recorder. I originally sang and played the guitar together but after several false starts I kept the guitar even though I came in too early at the end of the last chorus and just rerecorded the vocals. I think I am finally on track with the support issue but it is still new and there is a lot of work to be done.
  16. It was a different singer..... at least a different character. But I did try to concentrate on the Ah vowel as you have been suggesting.
  17. Thanks guys. To be honest on this I did every thing I had read was damaging and hurtful to the voice. Maybe I just interpret things backwards. From using too much air to using a sound that is not easy and free to constricting my airway. But, Whatever works. I first made a recording of this super constricted with way too much air but I think it helped me find what people call support. This recording was closer to normal phonation but still had the constriction to it. There were several words that I could have pronounced better and this way of singing really makes the BAD stand out from the GOOD. Legato from a musical standpoint would make the song better and I will work on that, but I believe the scooping and accented words help with the Feeling aspect.
  18. Pitch seemed good. You had some vibrato going. Too much echo in the room to hear too much other than that.
  19. Thanks Gneetapp, it is a very new approach. Totally different from what I usually do. I pretty much did every thing opposite of what I read or heard was healthy and proper, But in that I found a way to drive my voice and smooth out some of the bad qualities of my voice. A work in progress but I think it is a good turning point.
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