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Everything posted by MDEW

  1. :) Thanks for your responces. I will work on vibrato. I have a lot of work to do. Especially on that "Leaaave" part.
  2. The link will only work for another day. I will be taking it down. So please give it a listen and let me know what else I am doing wrong. Thank You.
  3. This is to help you. I know that this song you posted wasn't meant for the internet and you had other things on your mind. But while singing present the message of your song. Below is a link to Sugerland STAY in front of all her peers. You can tell that the singer is actually singing to the person the song is about. Like she is saying it in the moment with all of the emotion she would have in that situation. She is not just singing the song. She is feeling it, living it. She is not thinking about all of the people in front of her. She is not thinking about technique. She is living the song. And you can FEEL it.
  4. Sorry I missed this earlier. This is worth putting time into. It sounds like you are not confident with this yet. Like you are still working on it. If you haven't yet. Work on this like you would any song from another artist. Write the words down the way they are now and go over the parts one verse at a time. That way it will not keep changing every time you sing it.
  5. Thanks for the suggestion. I am working on vibrato. I do not want to force anything yet. Once I get the support down I believe the vibrato will come. My singing is a work in progress. Any advice is helpful. If you knew the song you would realise it is far from the original. It was written by Bob Dylan. Some people frown on making major changes to a song. But I believe that if you connect to the lyrics but not the music Change it. Janice Joplin did not write Bobby McGee and she did not sing it anything like the original. Yet it was her biggest hit. That song did not become a big hit in the original form.
  6. Sorry about that George. :| I wasn't meaning any harm. It was the only way I knew to clarify my comment. You sound nothing like William.
  7. :) Maybe I'll find something by Coverdale, DIO or Lou Gramm to butcher(I mean sing). I know I am in no way ready for that. That is why I put it that way. I would love to sing Foreigner or Boston or Journey. I do not have the chops for that yet. Maybe I will post a BAD COMPANY cover. I am not looking far appoval but improvement. In Dylans song I was trying to shade towards ih with the drawn out "Leave" part. It is hard to break bad habits. My brother used to Jump an octave halfway through that part and finish the phrase in head voice. If I can find an audio file of him singing it I will post that.
  8. Nobody does a DYLAN song like the original. I guess the Animals should have done "House of the rising Sun" like the original blues men sang it. At least one of the 50 or so "Original" singers. Any way I would not have to change anything at all except the bass line to change it from one genre to another. I have heard Coverdale sing songs accompanied by an acoustic. I have heard KISS sing songs accompanied by an acoustic........ It doesn't make the song country. Besides the fact that this song was also covered by Tina Turner and Jeff Beck. They are big Country Stars aren't they?
  9. :) Thanks Ron. I did feel more relaxed singing this. I have been "singing" folk songs for so long in a singy speaky kind of way that it is hard to break the habit. Taking into account the advice that I have been given here is helping alot. Although I have to say that I am somewhat disapointed in the fact that I have actually tried to post this song 3 times in the last few weeks and you were the only one that made any attemt at responce. This may be concidered by some a "Country" song and some may not even listen past the first few beats and hear a country bass line to determine that they are not interested. We have also been told that we should try to not let genre influence us when it comes to critique. I could post (and I may just do this) A BEEGEES song and I guarentee the beginning guitar accompaniment would make it sound like a country song because I accompany myself on an acoustic guitar. Someone could easily suggest after hearing the song that instead of a country bass line I put in a Jazz bass line and more people would comment on it. I may just do that and post to give me critique on my jazz song. Or put a progressive bass line in it. If the song is truely not working the way it is or there is major work to my voice to be done before I sing in public Please let me know.
  10. George, It is just my own perception. I was refering to where the words pull apart. It is just in my mind. Too many hours watching STAR TREK. The pauses reminded me of Captain Kirk and his dramatic way of expressing himself. If you have ever been a fan of Star Trek I am sure you will understand what I mean. If you are not familier with Star Trek and would like to understand what I am talking about let me know. Otherwise do not worry about it. I really enjoyed listening to the song. And always enjoy hearing you sing.
  11. :) Nothing to say Technique wise. Some of the words seem choppy or disconnected. It may be the effect that you wanted with the song. I do not know about this style of music.
  12. :D Congrats. The teeth look good. My comment had nothing to do with this song. It was just a general Heads up. I've listened to a few of your songs and I was never disappointed. Other people on this forum have a nack for identifying unnecessary tension or have really good tips. I can only say weather I like some thing or not. I like it. Good Luck and Keep on singing.
  13. Sound cloud doesn't like me any more. :| It tells me that it cannot find your file. I found out that I maxed out my upload privileges. That is why I had trouble a few days ago.
  14. I tried to upload this a few days ago. I hope it works this time. Any comments welcome. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12158397&q=hi&newref=1 Thanks
  15. It sounded great. I have no tip for the technique but I do have one Quick tip. Don't let yourself get too bored with the song no matter how many times you have to sing the same line. Whatever emotion you are actually feeling at the time of singing will come through. Singing is like acting. You have to feel it and believe it to be believable. I am only saying this because you will be auditioning for X-Factor. Every advantage will help. Some people may think that I am full of it and technique wins out. Technique is there so we are free to sing how we feel. But if a song sounds lifeless it is because the feeling was not there when the song was sung. So sing and feel.
  16. :) I have nothing to contribute as far as a critique. I think that was beautiful. A lot of people here have covered this song. Maybe that is why there hasn't been more responces. I listened a couple more of your songs on Youtube. I enjoyed them very much. Please continue to sing and post songs here. There are many people here who can help if you have trouble with a particular song or phrase.
  17. What I try to do is read the words as if I were actually saying this to some one. Think of the emotion involved. Remember the last time you actually had to say to someone. "I've done all I can for you and you still treat me like &^%$. Well I've had enough." Pi$$ed off or frustrated. You do not say it soft and week. You say it loud and strong. Sing this loud and strong. I am not a teacher just another singer trying to improve also.
  18. Sounded Pretty Awesome to me. But I couldn't even attempt this. But I do know after you get confidence in singing this you will be more relaxed in it. With the relaxation comes the further control.
  19. The spirit in which my comment was intended was lost. For that I apologise. I also post songs for critique. I cannot and do not expect a "wow that was great". I also expect honesty good or bad. When my song is found displeasing to the ears I also want to be told why so I can improove. Yes I did check out Chity's Queen Cover. That is another one that I did not comment on because all I could say was "WOW that rocked" but that would have been overkill because almost all other comments were the same.
  20. I made a comment earlier wich I deleted but I think it still applies. I feel bad for you guys who have to have everything perfect. Nothing is ever perfect. There is always something that can be tweeked. It would drive me crazy( more so than I already am) if I noticed all of the off key notes or uneffective aspects of a song. I listened to this song several times to see if I could hear the things other people commented on. The only thing I noticed was what I mentioned earlier. Low volume of voice compared to the music in the last part. And that is still subjective. But I am an old Hillbilly I can listen to Bob Dylan and John Prine and say to myself "Man those guys can sing" and enjoy every off note pitch and sloppy harmonica lead and just lean back, close my eyes and enjoy. Fantastic job Felipe. I guess thats small praise comming from a guy like me. But I thoroughly enjoyed that.
  21. Local dialects can throw a person off also. I have trouble over pronouncing R's and add a W sound to O's. A lot of little things one doesn't think about too often.
  22. I just added you to the list of singers who put me to shame. It is pretty easy to get on that list, but man you rocked that one. :D
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