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Everything posted by Adoney

  1. 9/10 people on here have the same problem plague, and they sound just like you do. If you really obsess over becoming a singer, and you listen and learn very closely to master vocalists in different styles, you will learn.
  2. This is comparatively good to what other people post up on their first post. Here is what I would recommend: use more strength in singing, and use more passion as well. Get into it. If you keep practicing like that, better high notes and tonal quality will come naturally.
  3. This is not the kind of music I like at all. But the performance is very good! And what is up with the mixing man? There's so much coming through my left ear and just reverb on the right lol! Nice job :D
  4. Every beginner posts first a clip of them singing at a very low volume . Try again with some loudness.
  5. I think the vocals need to be a bit more compressed. This performance is very LaBrie. It sounds weak like you are holding back at some parts, yes.
  6. Medium tenor is where my bet is. Judging from tone and speech. Nice cover, but you are straining a bit on the higher notes it seems!
  7. 3rd octave? almost certainly a tenor then... But why haven't you any clips up here? That's what it's for.
  8. I don't have the guts to try a whitesnake cover. Nice one George.
  9. You need to sing more, experiment with different ways of holding your voice. You will eventually find a method that you can work on and develop if you are truly motivated.
  10. Well they are both great in their own ways. Maybe you are just falling too much into the 'nasal' sound I see a lot of people get.
  11. I hear a pop male vocal style, maybe something along the lines of inde? Not trying to be harsh, just saying.
  12. I can't give you advice stylistically because the sound that you are going for is, in my opinion, not a very good one. What I can say is that you should watch those shakey sustained notes that you are losing. They need to be much more 'solid' if you get what I mean.
  13. Sounds like you are singing very quietly. Try again with more volume.
  14. Ed you can't Vvocal a demo, that's cheating! :lol:
  15. I wanted to point something out about how many overtones I get while singing. If you listen to 2:30 in the song, you can hear some crazy overtones in the voice going on.
  16. The only way you will know what you are doing is by figuring it out. Nobody can give you the knowledge of what you are doing.
  17. When you sing low, you can hear the individual vibrations of the vocal cords. Examine, for example, JD sumner (gospel bass singer) But even though that is true, you don't lose the quality of the note as you do with fry. Listen to that recording of mine with subwoofers, you will hear bass frequencies that aren't produced with fry. Whistle register is really effortless!
  18. It's not vocal fry. Vocal fry loses pitch and clarity of the note, and is not useful for any kind of singing. If you vocal fry in the first octave, you will have lost the tonal quality of the notes. I can't make it to an A5, so you are quite lucky! Whistle register is essentially squeaking.
  19. Ed: Here you can hear my lowest recorded singing yet I would say if you can get to low 2nd octave regularly, you are probably a baritone. I can always get to the low 1st octave, but I lack the weight that a bass singer has. That being said, I know people who experience the same problem of losing lows when singing highs. It's possible that your voice just adjusts to singing in a higher range rather than lower. It has less to do with the notes you can hit, but rather the weight and comfortability you have in hitting them. For example, anyone can whistle-voice a C6, but they won't be considered a soprano.
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