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Back on the forum, new band, new song

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I was quite active on this forum a few years ago while searching for a remedy for a issue I had with my voice (unwanted rasp/fry).

I'm right now involved in a aor/hard rock project called "Osukaru" which has previously released two critically acclaimed records. This fourth record goes under the title "Triumphant" and the following song is one of the singles taken from that particular album

Singingwise it is kind of a midrange song. I try to keep a "fat" sound in the chorus by adding extra vocal fold mass.

I'm aiming for a Kelly Hansen/Lou Gramm type of sound.

How am I doing?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

AWESOME brother!!! I'm so happy for you, this band sounds like a blast to sing for. Vocals are great as always and sounds like you've fixed your issue. My only question is, is the chick singer dating the band leader? Her vocals are WAY up in the mix...typical :lol: But, if she's your wife/girlfriend, then she sounds great!!!

Seriously, you nailed the Hansen/Gramm vibe for sure. I'm gonna check out more stuff on YT.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Way cool, Freddie. That is a really good song.

To me, you sound a lot, and I mean a lot, like Joe Lynn Turner, and I mean that as a compliment.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Why, thank you!

What I've been trying to do the past three years is to get the thick and even sound through out the "mid-low" - "mid" - "mid-high range" by bringing more mass up in the register.

Before, say three years ago, I used to find a more whiny tone in the "upper mid register" by pushing the voice.

By just moving the resonance slightly back in the mouth and keeping that "chest sound" It feels more like "one" voice nowadays.

Voice issues comes and goes...Im thinking its due to allergy or something. It usually goes away i I keep cool for a week or two :)

Ronws - Joe Lynn Turner, wow. Well he sings with a similiar technique and style I suppose. Pretty much in line with the singers I mentioned above (Kelly Hansen, Lou Gramm).

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounds amazing! Incredible musicians, your vocals were perfect and the song has a lot of very unique things about it. Your technique sounds very healthy and it has some elements of Gramm, Michael Bolton and even a little bit of Steve Perry at some parts.

If you want some advice, the only problems for me actually had to do with the female vocalist. They weren't really vocal problems as much as they were mixing issues. Some of her lower notes were completely drowned out by the music at a few parts of the song.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Like someone else mentioned, the female vocalist is really high up in the mix at times when you are both singing. A good example of being too low in the mix for her, while singing by herself is 1:03 to 1:06 of the video.

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  • Administrator

Awesome, Freddie :cool:

In my opinion, you should upload "Prisoner of the Night" to the "Social Media" section of TMV World !!!

Definitely a "Spotlight Video" :cool:

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Ronws - Joe Lynn Turner, wow. Well he sings with a similiar technique and style I suppose. Pretty much in line with the singers I mentioned above (Kelly Hansen, Lou Gramm).

I agree. I think they had similar styles and you are singing they way that they do. You might have been aiming for Lou Gramm and wound up with JLT.Oh, unmerciful fate!

Dude, you are a rock star. Just remember the small guys like me when you get so big you need a manager to watch your manager.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Wow, this really does sound like Joe Lynn Turner. (one of my all time favorites) What you've got going on now is really strong. I wouldn't change anything. Good job.

I've never been skydiving, but I've zoomed in on Google Earth really, really fast.

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  • Administrator

Dude, you are a rock star. Just remember the small guys like me when you get so big you need a manager to watch your manager.

Now FEATURED on the "Social Media" section of TMV WORLD !

And Saturday (22 June), will definitely be SPOTLIGHTED ----- As promised :cool:

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks! Your comments has made me determined in keeping this style and not changing. It has been a rocky road finding "my voice"...I've gone down many dead ends by trying to emulate other singers. Finally!

But as they say, learn as long as you'll live..and you guys are a great inspiration!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks! Your comments has made me determined in keeping this style and not changing. It has been a rocky road finding "my voice"...I've gone down many dead ends by trying to emulate other singers. Finally!

But as they say, learn as long as you'll live..and you guys are a great inspiration!

Man, that sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before?


Bless you and may you find good fortune, Freddie.

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  • 9 months later...
  • TMV World Legacy Member

For those who are interested, here's a new song with the same band.

I'm going for a more aggressive style here. I would love to hear what you think about it. :)


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