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Everything posted by akarawd

  1. Great performance Ron - I was hoping you'd re-do some of your clips with your new findings. I loved your tone with all the twang and meanness and both the high note and the one before (where you sing "woh") sound killer. Your voice sounds more stable than ever and the only 2 spots I think your voice slipped a bit are "leave me be" and "taking everything" - forgive me if I'm wrong. Your "gruff" or rattle makes the top notes sound powerful and convincing, there's a huge difference between the past clips and this one. Well done buddy, soon you'll be a master of acdc songs. Keep it up, Thanos
  2. I really appreciate it DJDeth - both techniques will be tested. Thanks a lot, Thanos
  3. That's a great video, it's hard for me to grasp these changes - not being a native speaker that is. It'll take me time to understand if he's doing "ih" or just going quickly from an open "ah" to a clear "ee". Thanks a lot DJDeth, I really appreciate it, Thanos EDIT : Just read the comments below the vid, he clarifies everything and includes when vowel modification is needed.
  4. How on earth did I miss this ? I'm a huge KD MF fan and I've got to say your "cross" song is killer. Your vocals sound great, I really liked it. You also have a clip of Cathedral S. and I hear you singing the "We shall" (and all the "we" parts) with great ease which I find amazing. Is that full voice ? (referring to the main melody) I can only do that by modifying my "ee" to an "ih" as in "sit", is that what you do ? If possible, can you isolate that vocal part (main melody) and post it so I can hear it clearly ? Great singing ! Thanos
  5. This sounds great Ron, your voice sounds really full and warm in this range - must be one of your best so far. In fact I hear a good deal of "acting" in it, which I appreciate a lot. Have you ever tried any Trans Siberian Orchestra stuff, like "Who is this Child ?" ? It might suit this side of your voice - just an idea.
  6. This is insane man... not only do you sound amazing as usual but this is as close to Halford as it gets, I mean damn ! I've enjoyed this cover immensely - keep'em coming Metal Snax Thanos
  7. You did the whole song in full voice + grit... your performance is top notch. You look up to the Metal God, I look up to him and you - and that goes for many others in here Mike. I was listening to that clip of you singing in your head voice with no background music and that is freakin' stellar. Keep them coming - P L E A S E Thanos
  8. I've been covered by everybody else's comments so I'll just say it sounds awesome - especially when I hear just the voice, your pitch is amazing. I'll agree with you on the "pushing" part, I'm pretty sure you could get great results with less - though I understand you're going for that hellish "rasp" of his. Can't wait to hear more Mike - please Thanos
  9. Mesmerizing - I'm speechless. Truly amazing.
  10. It does sound as you describe it less "ringy" and "pingy", I think you've found a good way of improving your tone without losing your twang.
  11. That's really good Ron. That's really really good. I liked the both the mid and high range and there were no weak notes. I understand it's the style and approach to the song - and I know it's what Bon does - but If I may, you seem to approach the notes using an upward sort of "glissando" (not referring to the end of the song where you reach the low note) and my guess is, if you "nail" those notes directly first and then slowly add this effect you'll get near perfect results. It's just an idea that might give you that xtra 5% but I could be dead wrong. In any case both your singing and recording sound more solid than ever. The processing chain you used lessened the "distortion effect" you've been struggling with to a great extent. Best, Thanos
  12. Hey Jon, Your voice sounds full, your "ees" are really sth. I think you've done a great job. If there is one thing I could say, it would be that depending on the musical background you might have to lessen your "hold". My estimate is, if you were to sing over a soft ballad or pop song, your voice might come across as too powerful whereas if it were hard rock, it'd match the music. Of course it's hard to know without hearing the full mix, it's just sth a producer would contemplate on. Other than that - which, again, might be just in my head - I think you've achieved a really full sounding voice without any sign of strain or getting out of the "mode". Always looking forward to hearing more from you, Thanos
  13. Hey Ron, I've been listening to your clip all morning. I liked your low and high midrange , it's really close to Bon's style. Your really high notes I think need to be a bit more solid. It seems to me you go into a different , albeit weaker, side of your voice. I compared it to your previous performance and liked this one much more. I second what Jonpall said about rasp. Keep'em coming Ron, Thanos
  14. Hey Stan, Enormous potential there. Your midrange sounded killer and your voice in general close to Cornell's. You sound like you could tackle a Dio song , you've got a very strong voice. I guess when you apply what you know now you'll nail these songs 100%. Looking forward to hearing updated versions, Thanos
  15. Hey Ola Your mln examples sound much better but they are not supported. I understand you feel you need to pull chest voice up to make it sound "meatier" and I used to do that for years but it got me nowhere. If you check this forum about "bridging", "connecting early" , "changing from one mode to another" etc etc you'll find what does the job for you. You've got to learn to trust your head voice - you'll be amazed at how much can be achieved. The more you work on singing in curbing throughout the entire range - which is what I guess god Bruce does - the better results you'll get. Getting a vocal coach is always a good idea but there's absolutely nothing wrong your voice - in fact I hear enormous potential - it's just your way of using it. Thanos
  16. It's "raison d'etre" - I don't have the symbol to use it on the 1st "e", you're right about the pronunciation.
  17. I like both - they sound amazing - but I'd say the 1st one intrigues me more because of the rasp. Cheers, Thanos
  18. This gets better and better, keep them coming Fahim. Would it be possible for the singer to share his approach with us ? He obviously uses a hell of a support and I don't know of others who can cover DIO that well. PS. That LP custom is a gorgeous piece.
  19. Stan, I liked your approach very much. There's a raspy edge to your voice (can you please identify what it is ? neutral with air and creaking ?) that I appreciate. It reminds me of any pro singer who uses rasp (creaking ?) and gives that "hard rock" edge to their songs. I won't stay at the pitch issues 'cause I'm pretty sure they could have been tackled had you paid attention to each note. The only criticism would be the word "believe" at the 1st & 2nd chorus which you got right at the 3d one. I think you did an excellent job and I'd love to hear about your singing approach (using air, creaking etc) Well done - I think Geoff Tate would be proud, Thanos
  20. WOW. This is an awesome tribute. Please get that singer on the forum PRONTO. You lucky bugger.
  21. I must have missed this when I read your post the 1st time, it's an f5. The rest I use rarely - although it's good to know they're there.
  22. Sounds really great Stan - it's a fun song to sing, isn't it ? I wanted to ask what you meant by "dry" ; was there any slight burning sensation at all and did it affect the rest of your singing voice ? As Michelle said, when you sing it totally clean, do you get the same ? Also, would like to let us all know how you approach that part of the voice ? Well done man, akarawd PS. There's a "high notes' thread were your opinion would certainly be useful to many people.
  23. Thanks for listening Stain and for the criticism, it's been taken under consideration.
  24. Cheers Jonpall, that means a lot. I know exactly what you mean, I'm working on that, controlling my airflow better is a an absolute key point to getting more confident sounding results. Thanks again.
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