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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Hi Elvis, thanks again for your comments! Just a quick note, I have ordered 4Pillars, but have not yet received it. Anything I'm doing here is pre-4Pillars. (I'm too excited/impatient to get started) Also I suppose I'm hoping to get a bit of feedback from people familiar with the program who can tell me which are my problem areas in the context of Robert's terminology so I know which parts of 4Pillars to particularly concentrate on at first. Enander, I have read and re-read your post and taken a lot in. Especially the line "instead of placing the resonance in the back of your palate and going up into head voice/falsetto". That is what I feel when I sing higher notes. The sound feels like it travels from my chest up into a "yawn" and I lose any boomy resonance. I will upload a third attempt trying to keep the sound forwards in my mouth while "shouting" the notes.
  2. Do you mean E4 to A5 Elvis? :-P OK, here goes. Not what I was expecting to do at the end, but it is what it is. One frustrated singer begging for help! (Sorry the sound is slightly out of sync, but I rushed it!)
  3. Hi Enander, thanks for taking the time to listen (And checking out my other YouTube videos!) I suppose I come across that way in my videos because that account is loosely linked to my self employed business, so I want to do the silly creative stuff, but not harm my business by being too OTT! Thank you very much for your comments about my voice. I am currently trying to get the second half of my attempt to sound fuller. I feel like I have no idea how to access those notes properly though. I get frustrated sometimes and the old familiar "I'll never be able to do it" thought niggles the back of my mind but I'm going to record something right now and post it up here.
  4. I LOVE this song!! I gave it a couple of listens and liked it very much. Your voice has such a warm tone that suits your piano accompaniment perfectly. The part from 0:41 to 1:09 was the best vocally in my opinion as you added volume and expression to the lyrics. Maybe increase that intensity for the chorus as I felt like it built up and up, then brought it back down for the chorus. Could you sing the chorus an octave higher? Easier said than done I know, but I feel like the piece would sky rocket through the roof if you upped the ante at that chorus! One final thing, I detected an accent so would assume English isn't your first language - The "b" in the words "womb" and "tomb" is silent. Regarding your final question about teenagers developing mixed voice; I can't give you a definite answer but I imagine if you typed in "teenager sings" on YouTube you'd probably find thousands of videos of young people with extraordinary range, tone and control of their voice. If they can do it you can too!
  5. Hi Elvis, thanks for your words of encouragement. I will definitely take your advice and upload a new version tomorrow with added force. I took it gently because I don't really know how to belt those higher notes with proper technique (yet). I'll just do what I think is right and hope for the best. Stay tuned, I'll give it my best shot!
  6. I like your accent, are you from Yorkshire? I'm nowhere near knowledgeable enough to critique your vocals, but I know that I really like them. I love the song too!
  7. Hi all, I'm approaching my journey here at TMVW with a complete positive mental attitude! Too long have I settled with my modest range. I intend to push myself to my full potential using the FPOS (should get it delivered in a couple of weeks) so I can sing songs like the one below properly! :-) I have never trained any other range other than my chest, so I have no idea if I'm doing any of it right! I decided to choose a song that is out of my comfort zone (in terms of range) and, instead of transposing it to a lower key, attempted it in the original key. I feel like it's better to get it wrong in the original key than to get it better in a lower key. My performance is weak, I'm embarrassed about this video, I've sang better, but none of that really matters - I just want to improve!
  8. Hi, I have some suggestions for jazz. How about "Autumn Leaves" or "They Say It's Wonderful"?
  9. Brilliant. :-) This is one of my favourite Bon Jovi tracks and you nailed it.
  10. I'm officially using my first post here at TMVW to congratulate you on this magnificent performance! :-) I absolutely loved listening to that! I'm interested to know how much work it has taken to reach this level and if you had anywhere near this amount of ability back when you first started.
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