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Everything posted by Musikman7002

  1. Another great performance Ellise K. I can see an intensity in you when your singing. Its easy to tell that you are very IN the moment with the emotions of the lyric content. Really good control of dynamics also.
  2. Thank you for the comparisons ronws. If anybody feels I share any qualities of Tate, or Meatloaf I will take that anyday When I first started singing I was always told I sounded JUST like Dennis Deyoung! lol Not exactly what I was going for but at the same time I was like well at least it sounded like somebody famous hahaha.
  3. Super impressive!!! I am really enjoying your recordings. Very nice style to your vocals.
  4. Thank you for the critique ronws. I should have taken French instead of Spanish in school I guess lol . I will correct that on a future re-record. Funny you should mention Meatloaf I have one of his songs on here as well. I enjoy the feedback from the forum as it really shows me where I need to improve in the future. I appreciate the tonal quality comparisons as they are 2 of my favorite singers.
  5. This is an older recording of mine. I was just getting a handle on keeping my head voice sounding fuller and connected to my chest. All in all this was not a bad version I think, although I can hear where I have improved since then and I plan on doing an updated take soon as I have better equipment as well to record my voice. Geoff Tate in his prime was a real BEAST lol and he really did set the bar high for heavy rock vocalist. I feel if I set my own sights high then even if I get 80 percent there then I have done a lot. https://app.box.com/s/0ik41c2zgiw48my1uuh3xu0r6poixeqt
  6. Hello, just thought I would load up a few more tunes today. I chose this song for the use of dynamics and emotion. It seems sometimes even after singing for a long time that the hardest trick is to keep the sound flowing smooth between the head tones and sliding back to the lower ranges with a smooth connection. This song challenged me in that way. I mostly sing heavy rock but I enjoy working on songs outside of my comfort zone to learn about other styles and see where my weaknesses are. https://app.box.com/s/esjl7zc61jyqil3muqhgs8rx0p6dwft7
  7. Such a mature emotional voice. Very impressive. You have all the skills to go somewhere with your singing.
  8. Wow! Awesome song and great vocal. Passion, pitch, and great hooks. I would buy this.
  9. Really beautiful version of this song. You carry yourself with great poise which I think adds a lot to the songs impact. An absolute pleasure to watch, keep up this fantastic work
  10. Great use of that hour!! Really nice job. Very heartfelt. Do you play piano and sing at the same time?
  11. Thank you Javastorm, I really appreciate the compliments. It has taken me a good while to build up to that kind of head voice control. I actually have a fairly deep voice
  12. Hi Anthony, I am using twang on the chorus as well as thinning the sound a TON lol. It requires me to actually relax myself and not over project and blow a ton of air. I use twang and compression and focus on a bright tone and intensity not just looking for volume. I am going to be getting the 4 Pillars course. I was trained by a teacher who was also a student of Maestro David Kyle and I am probably using a fair amount of the same techniques for my basic voice production. But I feel that Robert should be able to push my voice a bit more and he seems to have so many modern tricks that I want to explore.
  13. Funny you should mention The Phantom, That was one of the first musicals I bought the recording of. I loved the musical and Michael Crawfords voice especially. I have recorded some of those songs although I have lost them over the years. Maybe it's time to do some new recordings of those. Thanks again for the kind words Bono, I enjoyed your singing very much.
  14. I really appreciate all the kind words Pekka. I am a big Meatloaf fan and that song really is one of my all time favorites of his.
  15. I am a very high Lyric Baritone I really have a very baritone type range with a fairly extended high end. I have other songs where I sing in a much lower range. It actually has taken my a long time to get my voice to a point where I can keep it up in that part of my register. I will try to dig one of those songs up and load it up. In general though I don't try to think too much about the range I am singing on my original material I try as much as I can to just try to carry the melody with emotion and hopefully conviction lol By the way I really enjoyed your singing Bono.
  16. This is a recording I did singing a song type that is difficult for me. I am a Lyric Baritone and Steve Perry is/was a very strong tenor with a light register and at this point in his singing career developing a bit of rasp which I do not usually have in my voice naturally. I did my best but its hard to thin my voice thru the passagio and give it a bit of airy rasp. I know Steve Perry is a lightning rod at times with singers. It seems he strikes people as overrated or a genius nobody seems to be just "meh" lol. Anyway, I do enjoy his singing and I like to try out different styles of singers to add to the tool box when I work on my original songs. https://app.box.com/s/s6ci5jy85p0dln5ahfu7ruu4sguhd2sb
  17. Here is one of my favorite Meatloaf songs. This is an older recording and I have better equipment now and I think I can probably do it better justice now but time is always my worst enemy so here it is. https://app.box.com/s/3tul3cb4k8ndkjyudts0l00u2jyon906 The original Composition:
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