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TMV World Legacy Member
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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Yes, they are both awesome. The singer for Hibria is amazing though. Check out their earlier stuff, like "tiger punch" or "steel lord on wheels "
  2. Great tone! Pronunciation is a little off, bit overall very pleasant to listen to
  3. Not yet brother. I am working on it though. Slow and steady lol.
  4. I'm so jealous of your upper range! Great performance brother!
  5. Won't let me listen on my iPhone - ill check em out later in my laptop!
  6. You sound like you should at your age.
  7. Yeah, very catchy! And, it depends on the song you are writing. Some people can write in 5 minutes a song that kicks a*s - others (like myself) can't.
  8. Lots of people train themselves, but it can be a long lonely road. So yes you can, faster with a coach or a program or both.
  9. I tried to learn on my own and was able to learn some things, not a whole heck of a lot really. I got Roberts program and I could hear / feel a difference after the first week. It is like anything else - you get out of it what you put into it. It also is a matter of knowing what to do, and what to do next.
  10. Who do you like better? Brandon or Matthew? "Like" is way too subjective, so prolly shouldn't ask lol. You have a good voice, but it needs work. You look and sound young. Might be a good time to get some lessons.
  11. No a stand alone guide. I suggest getting a program that has it all, like Lunte's "Pillars" program. I have it and LOVE it to death. If you have any questions about it you can email me, or ask Robert (the site owner and author of Pillars)
  12. Sounded pretty good. I like the variation in the melody. Your voice sounds good for this genre. Only thing I heard is your not modifying vowels enough (imo) on the higher notes - which may be why you were reaching for the highest note (in the song Yesterday).
  13. That is an interesting video, but I found the "Axle in court" just as awesome lol
  14. If you want, send me that backing track and I'll give it a shot. keith_goehner@yahoo.com
  15. I can sing really low, but my goal is extending my range upward at this point- along with getting a more powerful / chestier tone up past A4. Before I started learning to sing, I wrote an enitre CD worth of music in my passagio region of my voice. Translated freely, I could not sing the entire set without losing my voice. A little trivia for ya lol.
  16. If ya need any backing tracks, ask me first as I have about 10,000 now. I DJ karaoke at a bar sometimes
  17. Awesome. And performed while sitting! I want some of what you're on lol
  18. I tried I listen, but it keeps asking me for a username / password. .. So I couldn't
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