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TMV World Legacy Member
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Everything posted by Keith

  1. To answer your YouTube question - anyone can sing. You need to start out with the basics, like anyone else would at the beginning stages of learning. Get a teacher or a coach if you can afford it. If not, then start with finding little singing tips and lessons on youTube - and Here on this forum. The first thing you need to do IMO is put the guitar down and concentrate on just the singing part. Playing an instrument at this stage of your learning will just distract you. There are a ton of warm ups listed on this forum, as well as general exercises. As far as warm ups, start with this one.
  2. It is easier if you just copy and paste the link here.
  3. Glad ya liked it Ron. The hardest part was the "can't you hear your baby crying noooooooooooooooow" part - it took me most of a day to be able to get it as close as I did lol.
  4. Send me an email at keith_goehner@yahoo.com and I'll send it over to ya.
  5. I have Fade to Black, Disappear, unforgiven, enter sandman, Hero of the Day, nothing else matters, and sad but true - in my "easy to find" karaoke file folder. I know I have others, would need some time to find them.
  6. Here we have me throwing a Metallica cover. Hope ya like it. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11773226&q=hi&newref=1
  7. Great cover man. I have about 30 Metallica karaoke files, but never tried to mess with them.. You may have inspired me Like the mostly clean approach to James Hetfield style singing.
  8. I have no idea why I enounciated like that lol. So, I have worked for a very long time just to be able to access my head voice. Adding chest musculature to it is the next step. I have no idea how to do it. Once I can get a Skype in with Rob maybe he can clear it up a bit for me. Thanks for listening :)
  9. Here is my horrific rendition of "Still Loving You" by Scorpains. Clearly , I should have not tried this song lol. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11762999&q=hi&newref=1
  10. If you are going to do the "do re mi fa" thing, us "si" in place of "ti" - the ti "word" cuts of your air momentarily , and it's best to not work out or warm up with excersizes that halt your air movement .
  11. Wow. That was wonderful. Gave me goose bumps. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Aside from what everyone else said, work on your enunciation, sometimes it's hard to understand what you are singing. The second clip you posted was awesome by the way.
  13. When you open up on the high notes, it sounds great. Modifying vowels is a necessity when you sing high notes. And the one falsetto note "carry on" was brilliantly placed.
  14. I think I just pooped myself. That my friend was sooooo much better than the first one. A few tiny off key parts, but overall friggin impressive!
  15. Nice job man. You got that laid back easy sounding (yet hard as hell) tone down pretty good!
  16. Thanks for listening ! I started singing about 2.5 years ago-with no direction. I built an array of bad habbits. Since February, when I picked up pillars, I've been practicing the workouts for 1-2 hours a day (as time permits). I really am trying to get better every day! As far as power, I'm working on it. My bands first cd , written in drop d flat, was sung between Db4 and Db5 . I wanted to try something a little different with the new one.
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