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TMV World Legacy Member
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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Learn vowel modification you must . That's really the fix for your problem. Once you get to a certain area in your voice , you need to modify to keep from choking yourself off. I imagine that modifying "kiiiiind" would be easiest with "kahhhhnd" or even with a little "uhh" like "kuuuhnd" . Just mess around with a couple different modifications until you find one that works.
  2. Very interesting stuff man. Being so busy is good right? Love the emotion you produce when you sing. The first video seemed to be about a millisecond off from your vocals (which was just a tiny bit distracting). Other than that, no critique from me - awesome singing!
  3. So much better tan when you are behind the wheel dude. Nice power in you higher end. Awesome. Maybe you should hop one the Queensryche thread and post something?!?!
  4. Love the higher stuff, you get the same little resonance and buzz in the same places as Bono does. I am guessing you are some kind of tenor since your low notes are pretty weak (the opposite of me) . Overall though, I love this song and really enjoyed listening to it. It has prompted me to throw some U2 into my mp2 player. Thanks for posting it!
  5. Izzle - which track do you want? Send me an email at keith_goehner@yahoo.com, and ill respond with it (assuming I have it anyway lol)
  6. +48 (phantom power) is for condenser mics. It is a power source (kinda like USB is a power source ) hope that helps.
  7. Come on peeps, let's get more Queensryche covers posted up in here! Bob, I know you got one in ya! Robert ? Izzy? Everyone lol
  8. Sounds to me like you are lacking an incredible amount of support - your pitch is wavering on and off pitch in the chorus. Are you straining on the higher notes a little? You need work on vowels also. Correct vowel pronunciation and modification are pretty crucial. Are you taking lessons with anyone? Buy any learn to sing system? If so, what are you working on? And if not, what are you working on? How do you practice?
  9. I heard nothing but improvement! Nice work! Keep it up :)
  10. I imagine that you are losing some key elements of your voice recording that way.. There are several really cheap interfaces out there that will solve that issue.
  11. Thats fine. Once you mix down into MP3, it really doesn't matter much anyway lol.
  12. Maybe it was the mic getting killed I took a 4-1 compression ratio, then edited it a little - lowered the threshold to about half - that kept you high notes from blowing up my speakers :)
  13. Other the the A5's that were seemingly killing you, very nice job! And the last A5 was the best (I think it was an A5 anyway)
  14. Very good man. I like the control you have over ALL you notes, along with the tremendous amount of feeling you sing with.
  15. Today , my band played eyes of a stranger (dropped a half step) and I hit all the notes. Some powerful, some not. We were messing aroUnd cause I'm back to playing bass / so I purchased a wireless headset mic. In a few months maybe I could sing it. I hope anyway .
  16. Awesome man! What I meant by one take is to not go back and fix mistakes. So what you did is what I would call one take in a studio (which is what I do in my spare time) . I'm either engineering or recording people in a studio every other weekend. You did great. Glad you posted. And Ron, I'd love to find a "Breaking the Silence" backing track . That is a killer sOng!
  17. Hey Rob, got my check today(1 month late) ill be scheduling our first Skype in a few days.
  18. Klaus would even be impressed with that! Excellent man!
  19. I did do one. The link is in the first post in this thread lol
  20. This song is mega hard man, gratz for doin it! you made it your own. The recording isn't so bad - don't be so hard on yourself. I would be curious to hear how you would sound on it in 2012!
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