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TMV World Legacy Member
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Everything posted by Keith

  1. fantastic! I actually got chills listening to this. I too am jealous (More than Justin, cause I've heard him sing also - and he is also amazing)
  2. Good stuff. Beautiful voice. You should prolly make your own thread with you YouTube videos there - better that facebook, unless you goal is to get more "likes" on your facebook page :)
  3. You still sound like you are using way too much air in your vocals. TMA (too much air) is not a good thing. It tells your muscles (which u have no voluntary controll over) to do that every time you sing . In my humble quasi educated opinion, you should be doing support exercises, and adduction exercises. Unless, of course, you want to sing with tma forever.
  4. Thanks guys. "Fun" because this style isn't my "normal" vein. And, it was easy fun :)
  5. Ηχεί πραγματικά καλός άνθρωπος
  6. Be aware, the biggest complaint I hear from SLS students is that their voices sound weak. This is not because it's a bad program, rather people buy the program, then don't follow the program up with some lessons. If I were you, I'd schedule at least one lesson with an SLS coach - it is easier to correct bad habits at the start, rather than a year or two later. Just a thought.
  7. Your pitch sounds better, but still singing with a weak tone and with way too much air. If you don't have a coach or teacher, you should make yourself some kind of workout and do it religiously. For instance: lip bubbles on a 5 tone scale through your range (10 minutes), then gug, may, ng, all those things on scales . Sing along with songs is good, but songs will not work every note in your range, so it's important to do both. Maybe you can hit up Robert or Dan for a Skype lesson and get some better answers.
  8. So are you. One suggestion though - stop forcing your neck forward - it creates tensions and fatigue.
  9. I don't plan on singing any real high stuff in this song, I just did it here because I like messing with Dan, the guitarist lol. Glad ya like it.
  10. I think it's done, albeit rough. I'll have some practicing to do before I record it for real lol. So, now it has a chorus, and what was once a chorus is now a bridge. NOTE - the crap at the very end is a joke to mess with my guitarist. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12087603&q=hi&newref=1
  11. Well, then you seem to have good control over pitch and resonance. Also, you sing from your heart, which is rare these days. I'm no expert, therefore I have no suggestions.
  12. That video was an hour long. Which person are you ?
  13. Here is an updated version of one of my bands 14 new songs. It is the song I had the most trouble with. It isn't perfect, but I think there are some good ideas in there. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12080670&q=hi&newref=1
  14. Yeah, I guess we took the website down due to the cost, but we have a facebook page. Just search for drop head.
  15. Yeah, ya know, I was trying to do the whole song in chest - with no mixing or bridging lol. I hear what you mean, though I think I will lower those notes, or make the backup guy sing them. I kinda wrote this in such a way that singing it would give me a vocal break during our set. Almost all the other songs rest between C4 and D5, and singing them tires me out lol
  16. I think you really need to listen to the song a few more times - you are missing a lot of little nuances throughout the entire song. Also, you are flipping into falsetto in the high part (you'll hear and see a magic new dimension). Keep in mind that I do not think you should try to sound like Geoff Tate at all, your voice tonal qualities are great - I just need to hear the song sang correctly in order to be sated after listening to it. You will need to do sirens through your passagio in order to clean up the high part. Maybe other exercizes as well, but the sirens are what did it for me.
  17. Did this one for fun. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12075986&q=hi&newref=1
  18. Yeah, I want to delete the last verse and just make a chorus to end it after the guitar solo. The way my band works is my guitarist writes a song, and sends it to me like a karaoke track. Then, I write the lyrics and attempt to put them to the music.
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