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Everything posted by Keith

  1. If only it were as easy as just thinking "More Power" lol. I think I did better on the other cover I uploaded after this one.
  2. Most Kamelot songs are very difficult in the chorus, and quasi easy in the verses and bridges.
  3. I have sang this one before. It's in here somehwhere lol. Can you sing it? Absolutely . Does it sound good? Yes, it sure does. But, if you are looking to sound just like Roy or Tommy, then you have a long road ahead of you brother. Stick to being you . Look into getting just a touch more depth in your voice IMO .
  4. I am strugging keeping a clean tone for some reason - when I get higher, my voice starts to break up.. Its kinda weird. I was having this problem before I stopped singing also. It is nothing new lol. Check out the Kamelot cover I posed today - I felt as if I did it better, meaning it felt better to sing today (lol). Anyway thanks for listening bro!
  5. Sounds to me like you are singing an octave lower than the original - which of course is fine unless you are not aware that you are doing that. A little pitchy in places. Also, i get the feeling that you are talking on pitch, and not singing the notes. Can I explain what I mean? no, prolly not lol. I also second Felipe in that you should get a coach. Most of the issues that I hear that immediatly affect the interpretation of your singing could be fixed with help and direction.
  6. The "open wounds for everyone to see" is supposed to be airy falsetto - but I couldn't quit nail it lol. Thanks for listening bro.
  7. Man, you sound great! I love Christmas music. I'll be re-recording my favorate TSO song in a few weeks.
  8. Yeah, that note is a tough one - I still want to flip when I pound it. Its one of THOSE notes lol. Not singing for a month hasn't helped either. Fortunatly, I am back to being able to practice. Thanks for listening and commenting!
  9. Here is another Kamelot cover. I think I did a little better on this one than the one I posted yesterday. This time I just did lip bubbles and some light sirenes before singing it. Please critique. Tell me if ya hate it or something (lol) http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12034795&q=hi&newref=1
  10. This is my first attempt at singing a cover song in a long time - anyway, this is where I am at. This is after a 1.5 hour workout. 15 minutes lip bubbles for warm up. I took a shot at the female vocals at the last chorus (lol). I know it isnt great, please slam the crap out of it as this was the best I could do. (No excuses George) http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12032564&q=hi&newref=1
  11. I don't have it. Sorry. It's a song I don't have the ability to sing, so I never looked for it.
  12. Holy crap! The list of things I wish I could do with my voice gets longer every time I hear you sing . Awesome bro!
  13. Nicely done. I like the higher notes , but how the hell did you sing that super low note, being a tenor and all :)
  14. Did do a double track , or is that just rediculusly crazy amounts of delay? Makes it hard to critique with 2 voices in there. Sounded pretty good from what I can tell.
  15. Does singing the chorus make your voice tired? I thought it sounded pretty good man...
  16. This new mic is very very susceptible to moisture. I suggest placing the pop filter about 6 inches from the mic, then when you sing, touch your lips gently to the filter - in the studio, the guy tells me to "kiss the filter" lol. I can hear loads of difference in the sound of your voice - but it's mostly due to the new mic lol. You are always an awesome singer, so I am not sure what you are trying to make better lol. Anyway, good job man.
  17. I can't sing this song. When I tried to do it, I would not be able to sing the long note right after the chorus. That is one heck of a feat brother. Also, great tone and musicianship.
  18. I dont think it was bad at all. You have a ton of soul in your singing, and should be proud of that. Good job bro!
  19. The intro was ok. The rest of the song is right around a fifth of an octave lower than Bruce. Are you aware of this?
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