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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Very nice Elena. The high notes gave me goose bumps. A pleasure to listen to!
  2. Nice man. Your voice fits perfectly with this genre. Welcome. Glad to have ya here!
  3. Can't wait I hear it. That song has been my favorate song since the first time I heard it.
  4. ANYONE can make a perfect cover dude. This is about how we do in one take.
  5. I'm no expert, but everything I heard was beautiful.
  6. My first attempt was tuned down a whole step. This is the same key as the cd.
  7. I decided that there should be a Queensryche cover thread. I think that most of us love them, so, post some queensryche vocal covers up in here. You too Robert, you know ya wanna. ONLY RULE - only use 1 take. If you make a mistake, realize that we all do and post it anyway. I'll dive right in and post my second attempt at Jet City Woman. My first was a trainwreck - even tuned down a whole step. This one is porper tuning. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11802660&q=hi&newref=1
  8. Yeah, I'd try this song, but I can't hit the high notes (yet) - or should I say SING the high notes lol.
  9. Christinina Scabbia told me she never had a coach, only some advise : sing with your heart out. Sing every word like you wrote the song and have deep emotional roots in it. She is the singer of Lacuna Coil. Check her stuff out, it's brilliant!
  10. There is no such thing as "can't do" when it comes to singing. There is only what you "can do" and what you train to do.
  11. Loved it. Let me ask, how far do you stand away from the mic? and is it a studio mic or a live vocal mic?
  12. I think that it does sound better than the others. You sound just like a person just starting out singing. Once you get some of the basics down, you will be surprised what your voice can do. Your best bet is to either buy a training program, or to hire a coach. if you try and learn everything on your own, the time needed to do so is multiplied exponentially. Keep it up!
  13. There were a few slightly pitchy places, but overall it was good. You doing warmups and scales and stuff, or are you just going straight to songs?
  14. I can't listen on my iPhone for some reason. I'll listen when I can on my laptop.
  15. I think it was great. I would try to not push south air in the falsetto parts though . I think you are. Sacrificing too much tone. Maybe try and get a little more connected on those parts. My $.02
  16. Awesome bro. The last chorus in this song tires me out lol.
  17. Yes you put the guitar down - but this time you are driving. I suggest finding a karaoke track or backing track so sing along with - for too many reasons to list. Then I suggest standing up with good posture and singing along. Of you are having trouble finding a backing track, let me know and I'll try to help . I think this was better than the first, but I think you can do better even better.
  18. Well, not sure if this makes sense - but I have to try to NOT vibrato, and then just let go of that feeling and the vibrato just kinda happens. Also, I sing along with a ton of Kamelot and Queensryche, which may also help.
  19. Holy crap I WISH I could sing that song! Last song I posted was an easy Metallica song lol. Someday....
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