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Everything posted by Gneetapp

  1. Hey Ronws, thanks for stoping by and listening! Me and the vowels, and diphthongs...I really need to get a hold of this...eh eh. Regarding the falsetto or really heady tone, I think it was in "the bone"...eheh As I told Olem and MDEW, I'm pretty sure it will get beefier with time and practice. Regarding the cleaner tone, that is all I got so far. I am happy just to sing this song. When I learn how to use distortion, it will be another thing... Thanks for the nice words and the tips. Cheers
  2. Yeah, as I said, it could be a number of things. But I was just so excited when I got to sing this song that I had to post it. I promise you that it will get better and stronger, as I am still improving. Don't you "sorry me", it is because of guys like you, Ronws, Olem, Owen, and others that I post this songs, so I learn to improve my technique. Thank you!
  3. Hey MDEW, I'll give it a thorough listen and watch for anything unusual. It could be a number of things that I may be doing wrong, as I barely just discovered this coordination that allows me to sing in my higher range, and still need a lot of practice. Are sure is it not to much or poorly set effects? Thanks again man! Cheers and keep on rocking! :cool:
  4. Yeah, I get it! Hopefully with more practice the sound will evolve and get fuller. Just to clarify, I'm still working to get this on my muscle memory, as I barely started to sing with my higher range. Thanks again Olem!
  5. Hey MDEW, thanks for listening and commenting. Maybe I'm just a bit off pitch? If that is the case, I just need more practice. If not, could it be that I used to much effects on the voice (chorus, bad EQ settings, delay, etc) and made it sound bad? Sorry, but I'm really not following what you mean. Anyways, I'll give it another listen looking for this problem. Thank you again man. Cheers!
  6. Hi Olem, thanks for listening and the comments. I think I did a falsetto in one of the highest parts, I think it was on the final "Alone"s and "bone". But I agree with you, it still sounds to heady, although I was belting. But this was the first time ever I could sing those notes. So, I know it will get fuller with a bit more practice, and I will probably get more comfortable with the highest note, and won't need to "fake" it... Thanks again man!
  7. I really liked your voice, and I think it worked well with this arrangement. However, I think you need to get a heavier sound if you want to sing rock. Maybe bringing more chest, as some people have suggested, maybe adding twang or a more pharyngeal sound. Whenever someone mentions female rock singing, I always remember of Heart (Anne Wilson?) because of the tone of the singer. Anyways, I'm not vocal coach, nor an advanced student, and this is my personal taste for female rock singers. Keep on Rocking! :cool:
  8. Yeah, I liked Ronws! Good job man! You seemed very much in control of your voice 95% of the song. And I liked the way you never go into "yelling mode" (as I still do very often), and keep it light. Cheers, and Keep on Rocking man! :cool:
  9. Hey guys, here is another one of the songs I've been using to practice my high range. Please let me know what you think. Keep on Rocking! :cool:
  10. Hey Olem, nice work man! It sounds like you were actually having fun with this song. I really liked the way your voice sounded so low. I think you just need to practice a bit more to fix a few parts on the bridge that sounded weaker, and maybe slightly off-pitch. Keep rocking man! :cool:
  11. Hey man, I think you got something nice going! I liked your tone also, very soothing. Keep it up!
  12. Hey Aspiring Singer, I replied to your comments on the original post. Many many thanks for all your help. Cheers
  13. Hey Aspiring Singer, thank you so much for taking the time to listen this other vocal practice/cover, and specially for the vocal analysis. When I first listened to the recording, I noticed that I was always going flat on the chorus, right after "away", which was probably what Aravind was talking about. I think it was lack of attention, and now I'm practicing with the correct notes. I will definitely work harder on my support to fix these issues. Perhaps I should start practicing phrase by phrase without playing the guitar at the same time, just keeping the energy, support, and pitch. And then, play/sing the whole song. I will also pay close attention to those diphthongs so I don't get trapped in a different coordination. Many many thanks again for all your tips. Cheers
  14. Thanks for listening and commenting Aravind! You are absolutely right about the "nothing left...", and I found out only after I recorded the song. I got only a few right. But in the first times I tried this song, I would not get any one right. So, that is an improvement! eh eh! Cheers!
  15. Feel free to check this cover practice http://themodernvocalist.punbb-hosting.com/viewtopic.php?id=10099 Even though it is a rock ballad, I do some belting in the chorus contrasting to the lighter lower pitched verses. Many thanks again for the input.
  16. I read from several sources that belting is not bad for your voice, as long as you are doing it properly. I used to scream/yell my way up to G4-G#4, and on the next day I would be hoarse and could not sing. Now, I passed my first barrier, and have been practicing rock songs with a much higher top range (D5-F5), and I can do it day after day with no hoarseness. One of the "tricks" is to build the voice musculature, use twang up high, and support, so you don't have to push/force the sound, which is more damaging to my voice than belting. Now, as I told you, I've been practicing to make it more consistent and fuller/thicker up high, while been trying to improve my range up to G5. Feel free to check my progress here in this cover practice http://themodernvocalist.punbb-hosting.com/viewtopic.php?id=10099 It is not as good as yours, but you get the sense of what I'm talking about. Cheers and Keep on Rocking! :cool:
  17. Thanks a lot Rowns! In my next practice I'll start paying more attention to this, and try to get it right. Cheers!
  18. Hey man, very good job! Now you got to explain to me how come "there are days you just can't pull it off..."? You made look and sound as if it was easy for you, and I believe it was, as my good old friend Ronws always says, "singing is mental". Let me tell you, in the first "In my life..." (1:15min) you didn't sound so good. However, in the second and longest one, you just nailed it perfectly! But started the "I want to know..." a bit weaker (probably out of breath), but still good. Were you singing the high pitch parts with a light head mixed voice, or belting mixed voice? I don't know what to say, it seems to me that you just need practice, you can sing all the notes, just relax, feel the song, and be very aware and in control throughout the whole song. Well, at least that is what I've been doing lately with the songs that used to be pitch challenging to me, and now that I can sing all the notes (or at least 99.9% of the notes) I'm trying to sing the song with the highest level of awareness I can, which brings to my attention possible issues with breath support, or uneven resonance throughout parts of the song. Keep on Rocking! :cool:
  19. Wow! First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to listen, and even more for the detailed analysis. As I said, this are my light vocals. So, fortunately, I'm not putting my neck forward or raising my chin, but definitely am losing support, as you noticed. I recorded the song sitting down on my chair, so I was probably too relaxed with no support. I will try the exercise you taught me to remind myself of keeping the abs engaged in the whole song, and even in the end of each phrase. Many thanks again for taking the time and especially for such a thorough review.
  20. Hey Ronws, thanks a lot for taking the time, man! It really means a lot to me. Yeah, as MDEW mentioned, I need to work more on my patience As I have posted just a few covers until now, I had no experience of waiting that long for any comments. You are right with the falsetto/very light pure head voice the original singer uses, I think it suits his voice and style, but as a rock singer, I need more bang, but I didn't go belting throughout the song cause it is a very light intimate piece. I'm glad you liked my take on it. Regarding the pitch, yeah, still lots of work to do to be more in control. The major problem is that the notes are not even high in my range, but they sit right in the middle of my shift in resonance (a.k.a. passaggio) eh eh eh. Regarding the choice of vowels, could you give me an example with words? Many thanks again man!
  21. Hey MDEW, many thanks for listening, comments, and word of wisdom! Yeah, patience is the one thing I lack the most! eh eh Regarding the part between 1:41-2:00, I agree with you, I think it even sounds falsettoish, and the few pitchy spots, I'm still working on the song as a whole, but I need to pay more attention, be more focused, and be in control in the whole time. But that is practice, practice, practice... Thanks again MDEW for taking the time, it means a lot to me.
  22. Hey man, good job! I could easily think that you wrote that. Very nice tone too! Keep on Rocking! :cool:
  23. Never heard this song before, but I really liked it! Nice cover Igor! :cool:
  24. Yeah Keith, nice timbre man! I think it is interesting that for me you don't sound like a metal singer...but still you sound really nice. Keep on Rocking man! :cool:
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