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TMV World Legacy Member
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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Not bad. A bit pitchy in places, and there are some areas that need need better support. The enitre chorus needs a lot work. You start out pretty powerful with it, then for some reason, kinda lose it. Work on your: 1. Breathing 2. Pitch 3. Dynamics 4. FEELING - you have to sing this song, and thousands of songs like this, like you wote it. There is no soul in yours (yet). Practice Practice Practice. Also, this song is NOT easy. The entire chorus is, at least for me, hovering right around my vocal break. It is hard for me to not try to shout my way through it.
  2. Could you send the backing track to "I'm Alive" to me? My email is keith_goehner@yahoo.com. Fantastic job by the way!
  3. This was recorded yesterday at rehearsal - first rehearsal with new drummer. The song is kindof a train wreck.. This is the second time through the set, I have bronchitis, new drummer, and we were all drinking... There is laughing, burping, and other stuff you would expect to hear. The reason I am posting this is because at the end, I (for the first time ever) hit a pharangeal scream. I think that it was really awesome, so I wanted to share. It was recorded on a small zoom. It would be a good idea to give it some treble, or ya won't get the full effect. Anyway. hope ya like it. Let me know about the scream. There is a crummy one at around 4:15. The good one is after that at 5:00, and I am pretty proud of it. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12341597&q=hi&newref=1
  4. I like it. I especially like how my previous comment never made it lol. So, here it is again. Kinda. So, I thought the low notes were great. Your high notes, or higher notes, sound a bit unsupported , or at least lacking chest resonance (like just singing in head). You really need to lean into those notes, (I lean back lol). I have been doing nothing but singing in head voice on "eeeee" decending sirens, and then singing some songs. Let me tell ya, I have increased my full voice to the exten that I can sing this song at karaoke with one larnyx tied behind my back. I believe trongly that the more one strengthens head voice musculature, the higher ones full voice will go. Another reason I have been doing this is to try and get my musculatures more evenly strengthened. I digress. Anyway. with some practice, I think you can knock this one out of the park.
  5. Thanks guys I'm not gonna win, but it's all in good fun. There is a guy that sings "Alone" by Heart on there, he is very very good. No way I can beat that!
  6. 'I should have been more specific - what you do is click the "YouTube" button on the bottom right of the video I embedded, then once on the normal YouTube site, click the "Thumbs up" botton. The contestants are rated on how many people "like" the video on YouTube. I am still playing bass, these pics are from last year when I had a bassist.
  7. Hre is my makeshift KTVA contest video. Please like it! KTHNX.
  8. Sounds pro to me. A little tensions in the right place is normal. You are buzzing nicely, also. I found that once I started training to get rid of the air in my voice (which is a seruously ling process for me), I have a very hard time with purposfully singing airy notes.
  9. Second attempt at this one. There seems to be only one note that I can't sing in chest. And, for whatever reason, I can't get it in mix either. So it's pretty weak - but overall I think this is better than the last time I tried it. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12313918&q=hi&newref=1
  10. Heh, I noticed that when I was singing it lol. Thanks or listening bro!
  11. Love this song. The backing track blows. Hope the people that listen can get past it lo.l http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12303421&q=hi&newref=1
  12. Yeah, he jumped right one that, but didn't say anything about the song lol. That brother of yours. lol
  13. I love the hell outtah this song bro! Very awesome. Nothing to fix from my point of view. You sound like you put your heart and soul into it.
  14. Thanks bro. I never tried this one before, and I was suprised at how easy it is lol.
  15. I do not have any way to make a video. I have a built in web cam, but it really doesn't work for this - I have tried it before. I sent Ken a message letting him know this. Either way, maybe I'll get some feedback.
  16. The song requirements are one verse, one chorus. I asked Ken that question and his asnwer was "both.. People that are awesome, and people that need help." So, we shall see.
  17. Second try on this one. Hope ya like it. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12298320&q=hi&newref=1
  18. What ya think? Will I win? http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12298321&q=hi&newref=1
  19. I sometimes wonder, is there a limit on what your voice can do? also, how long did it take you to get there?
  20. Dave. Pretty good man. Pretty good. I listened to it a few days ago, but couldnt comment cause I lost my password info. The lower notes are a touch unstable. You will get more depth out of them if you modify the vowels a touch and lower your larnyx a little. It does lack some feeling, overall. And yes, I know how hard it is to capture Khans feeling as I have covered most of his stuff. Would have like more vibrato in there, but I really liked digged the way you held out "wide" the second time, and added a touch of it right at the end of the note. Your higher notes sound pretty solid. Try not to let your larnyx raise when you sing them, the highest of the notes sounds a touch choked off there at the end. Show your teeth, snarl your nose when you sing that note. Hope this helps, I enjoyed listening. PS the snarl your nose thing will help modify the vowel from eh to ah, will open your throat a little, and also make your tongue stay down.
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