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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I woulda commented on this a while ago, but my computer logged off the site and I had to find my password again lol. Lots of minor pitchy areas. I think mostly due to the fact that the right notes are in a bad spot for you to use as a ramp for the higher notes. Overall tone is good, a little squeezed, but better than your others. This is a hard song! It's still too high for me even. So gratz on having the stones to do it. One of my favorates. With a little work on pitch and the openess of your middle notes, this will be a masterpiece.
  2. Better than Kiske live... I am officially jealous of your head voice. I feel I'll never ever get there. Great job bro!
  3. LOL! Unstable means tthe note pitch waivers a little. Like an uneven vibrato. It's pretty hard to catch. I only cought it most likely because I pay atention to it. And we would have different versions I suppose.
  4. Good stuff! I have never heard you sing so low! Also, you are suppposed to kiss the pop filter. It actually should be called a moisture filter, because it's purpose is to help prevent moisture damage to your mic. (spit lol)
  5. I will write this, but first give you the knowledge that I have listened to everything you have posted here, and really enjoyed them all! So, I am going to compare this song to your others. I have only 3 statements: 1. This song lacked one crucial element to me - emotion. You sang the notes, but I didn't feel anything. 2. You kinda scated around the hardest notes to sing in the song, (esp around 2:00 ish and 3:00 ish) which is fine. Mine woulda been much better if I did that (and , I should have lol) The screams at the pre-coda are unstable. 3. I LOVE the grit you have on some of the notes you sing. Overall, I liked it enough to make it my #2 as far as the "contest" portion goes.
  6. Felipe: I am not sure what happens. At 2:03 "confined in the pain of desire" I was able to sing those notes prety well. I did not strain. It just happened. Not sure how I did it. The same vocal melody at the end of the second verse did not come out well at all. I tried a few times. It is almost like something is "sticking" in my throat. The second verse part actually felt strained, even though it was airy and complete garbage. As far as the higher notes, the C5 or D5 go, I have been trying to get a Roy Khan kind of high note sound - Still a work in process. Those notes really take the life right out of me. Make me real tired. So, in a nutshell, I am not sure what I am doing wrong, OR, when I do something right I can't duplicate it. It gets frustrating. As far as the mix, yeah, mixed with cheesy headphones. Hard to tell what is going on. If I knew how to fix my voice to sing those notes better, I would have done it by now lol!
  7. Thanks for listening guys, and for the feedback! I appreciate it!
  8. Ha! It's funny you mention bridging late, cause I've been working on that lately - I figure it will give our originalsote beef. And yes, the dude can write! It is very tiring to sing this song.
  9. No excuses. In fact, the reason I wrote about my monitors is to get feedback like what you said... The vocals are too loud in the mix....
  10. Here is my interpretation. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12269142&q=hi&newref=1
  11. I really really tried to produce a quality cover of this song. I mixed it with crappy headphones because my studio monitors broke a while back. Let me know what ya think! AND BE HONEST, ya won't hurt my feelings any, I beat myself up more than anyone else ever could. ~Keith http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12269142&q=hi&newref=1
  12. It's all good Coach! It isn't done anyway, The one that I can't wait to post is the finished product. Anyway, I am gonna try and learn the hard part today. May be able to get it done and posted in all the proper places. I will most likely change up the melody lines at the end, though, cause I hear something a bit different in my head. It will still be high and very difficult, justt not the exact same thing as the original. I am creative like that.
  13. I just listened to yours again, and I must say that I really am diggin the operetic way you handled the end. Again, great job bro. I am not sure mine will even be close lol. But, hey, I'm still gonna finnish it. hopfully today.
  14. Rob, yeah I'll post it there when I get it done. It's your fault, writing such a difficult song lol. You make it sound easy..It isn't. Benny, thanks for listening. I'll try and get it done today, but my voice has been somehwhat unpredictable as of late, so I am not sure it will happen. Ron - All I did was listen to the backing track a few times and said " what would I do with this?" then add some R.L. stuff and mix it with my own ideas. MTDEW - I am know round here for jumping in and singing songs that I have only rehearsed a few times. It's how I roll.
  15. Thanks for listening guys. I'll try and get it fixed up and finnished in a few days.
  16. All of your notes are unstable - waivering in and out of tune. your vibratto is uneven. Your tone sounds like you are trying to hold back, and also it is full of air. Like anyone new to singing, you have some work to do. Get a coach, or a teaching program. or, Build yourself a workout using the informatin contained in this forum. When you do any kind of vocal workout, it is important to know exactly what the specific exercise is supposed to accomplish. Read through the articles here that have to do with support and breathing. Without proper support and breathing, everything else will fail - like a brick house built on egg cartons.
  17. Those Bb4's are a pain in the ass! I just heard how strained they are. Normally, I can sing Bb4 in full chest. Gonna have to look for a different modification to hit those I guess.
  18. This is one take, about 3/4 of the song. There are obviously some rough spots, and rythmic issues. But, this is my take so far. Once I get to sing through it a few times I'll post a cleaned up finnished version. hope ya'll like it so far. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12263818&q=hi&newref=1
  19. Ok, this is an absoulte MONSTER of a song to sing. Robert and Felipe make it sound so much easier than it is. Gonna take me a few days to get it.
  20. Your lower notes sound good bro, but you are forcing the living ever s*it out of the high ones You have some options .. You can train to sing it mixed voice, you can sing the higher parts in complete head (which wouldn't be bad for a queen cover), or you can gently try in increase your chest voice limit enough Whatever you decide, you shouldn't be straining so hard Try to sing the notes clean first / and when that is comfortable, add grit if you want But learning to sing those notes at the same time as learning how to add grit will slow you down. Good luck!
  21. Very enjoyable. One thing you could work on is some vowel modification. You are splatting the higher notes a bit. Otherwise, good job!
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