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Everything posted by MDEW

  1. :) Relax. You have the notes and a good sound. Like Ron said a little pitchiness wich sounded like it was from nerves. Sounded good other than that.
  2. The link is working now. I cannot give any technical advice. I can let you know that I enjoyed both of the songs and that if you had more songs to listen to I would have listened to them.
  3. :o Where's the rest of it! I was enjoying that. :D
  4. Thanks Ronws. I am not familier with this genre. That is why I frazed my post the way I did. So it can be disregarded if it does not apply. I've lived a musically sheltered life. But I am learning. :P
  5. Very enjoyable. Sounded like singing to me. :)
  6. You started out Ok. It still seems that when the song gets more intense you tend to go too high with the notes. Working on pitch is not something you can fix in a day. I know you can do it because later in the song you get back to singing on pitch. This song is a very hard song to get because it is a low register. Too low for most people. The melody is somewhat MONOTONE. Which means that the differences in notes are very close together. So when the song does go higher it is not as high as people may think. Also because the song increases in intensity(gets louder) and the notes actually stay the same people tend to sing a higher note than what the song calls for. Do not give up. It just takes longer then we want it to. I still have trouble with pitch when I sing higher songs.
  7. If you dont have access to a guitar or piano, Get yourself an electronic keybord. Even if it is a childs toy it will still be good enough to train your voice. Does the tuner that you are using generate the pitch you are trying to match? It is better to hear the pitch that you are trying to match. Most tuners are very accurate. No matter who you are and how good your voice is the tuner will wobble a little. Once you get the pitch even if you have to slide to get it. sing the same note over and over on that pitch until you can start the note withou sliding to it. At first use a note that is a little higher sounding that your speaking voice.
  8. It is probably my lack of understanding this style of music but to me it sounds like the song needs the third harmony above what you are singing. This is just a matter of opinion. My taste in music may greatly differ from yours. It may even take away the feel that you want for the song.
  9. "Your song" is a pretty hard song to do for those learning to sing. It's lower in the range almost too low for most. It is too close to speaking. Most people tend to go too high on the parts that get a little more intense. Because there are times when you are on pitch I can tell that you know when you are off pitch. If you have a piano or guitar one way of working on pitch is striking a note on the instrument and matching the pitch with your voice.
  10. Singing like someone and sounding like someone are two different things. It may be that an artist sings a particular phrase light an airy because that is the best way to sing that phrase for that person. It used to bug me when I was listening to a song and I could not understand what words the singer was singing. Now I understand that there are times when you cannot sing higher phrases and keep the correct pronunciation of words. Part of singing like someone is the way he modifies words to sing the higher phrases.
  11. You don't have to sell your computer. Singing high notes is part of the battle. You do way better than I can but there is still work to do. I do hear promice and it is something worth working on. Maybe if you sang to the backing track you would have stuck to the melody a little better. You definately have something to work with.
  12. I like the deep voice you were getting in the lower parts. I did hear the tone change you were taking about. I'm not a teacher so I do not know what you were doing wrong. Maybe you were anticipating the high part and let your larynx rise too much. It did not sound bad just a different tone. Maybe by practicing that shift there you can smooth it out. Over all it sounded pretty good. Much better than my week attempt.
  13. Are you meaning you sang to one version then later you added a backing track from another version? No wonder you sounded off pitch. Even if both versions were in the same key slight timing differences will make you sound off key in your singing. Your voice itself sounds fine. Try singing to the backing track you used in your recording.
  14. Sounds pretty good for an in progress song. Can't wait to hear the finished product. Is this just you on the demo or is the rest of the band playing also?
  15. Very good Tommy. You have the blues touch. I knew mine was more of a 50/60 rock feel than what you were looking for. I also went over board with my final Merry Christmas. I thought about changing it ,but it was what I was feeling at the time. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to express ourselves.
  16. Sounds good. I like the way you sang it more powerful and gritty than the original. :)
  17. The reverb suggestion may be part of my conditioning. Almost all of the songs I listen to have reverb on the voice. I also have trouble with timing. I think my problem is waiting for cues from the guitar,Bass or Drums. Then I will get a late start on the singing. I also follow my own rhythm. I will change a songs beat to fit my "Style". I believe that a song is an expression of the singer ( and band) and not something that stays the same every time someone else is singing it.
  18. I missed the Highway to hell on my first look at this thread. Have you tried adding a little reverb to your voice or a little delay? Sounds like you were having fun. :)
  19. I think most of the problems technical and otherwise are from you not being familier with the song. After you can can sing and play it without having to think about it then you can sing from the emotional standpoint. The dynamics will come through better. As far as being a work in progress not bad. Who originaly sings this? If it is an original that you wrote I like it alot.
  20. "And we could debate endlessly how the note should be song. And wind up with something tnat sounds like Pavarotti trying to sing "Christmas Blues." But it would not be the blues. The blues is more than just the 1-4-5 in 12 bars. It's a style." I once saw a video of Pavarotti and BB King. I was hoping I would see how Pavarotti would handle a blues song. Unfortunately thay had Pavarotti sing some classical type phrases during the Lead Guitar portion of the song. Both Pavarotti and BB King seemed to think the other was a joke. It could have been Awesome. I still do not know if they were trying to make fun of BB or Pavarotti.
  21. Thanks Ron. I just got a chance to listen to yuors. Your submission was more Bluesy than mine. I liked it. I was hoping more people would give it a shot. Would be good hear how other people handle the song.
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