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Everything posted by MDEW

  1. Well I got the studio up for about half a day. So here you go, good or bad. I did have to think about it a little. I could not do one shot and leave it at that. https://soundcloud.com/mdew/tommys-christmas-blues
  2. Glad you figured out a way to get your electric hooked up. Now it's time to ROCK ON! :)
  3. I want to give this a shot so I haven't listened to Rons submission. I 'm sure it sounds great and I do not want to be influenced by it. I already have the Christmas Blues so I should be in the correct frame of mind for it. Just need to get time to lay it down.
  4. :cool: = COOL no need to say more. :P
  5. Pretty Cool Tommy. I may give it a shot.(if I can get the kitchen table cleaned off and set up my "STUDIO") :P
  6. There is most likely a good voice under there somewhere. There was not much of a melody in your song to hear your pitch control. The gravely harsh sound in Chads voice can actually cause harm if you are not doing it correctly. It is also hard for anyone to determine your natural tone if you intentionaly make your voice gravely. Submit another song without the gravel and a better melody line. :)
  7. I would just like to add another point that has been aluded to but not actually stated. Even if support is not entirely apparent in a submission or pitch control is lacking abit mabe also you can hear a flip or two into falsetto, CONFIDENCE goes a long way into the progress. That is one of the main things lacking in the performance of a lot of beginners.
  8. I agree. Sometimes even if we are not judging or being judged on the original singer, If our songs do not have the same feel as the original we may get or give a worse review because of it.
  9. There are many songs I have "ruined" for my wife. I am constantly twisting tunes. It's a family tradition. when some songs come on the radio I will get a dirty look from my wife "Don't even think about it. I love this song" :P
  10. Do you get the feeling this thread is going to the dogs? Good Point Felipe. A solid foundation, then change the song to fit your style. I will keep that in mind from now on.
  11. :) I liked the song. To me the voice sounds promising. I have to agree with the nasality. This is coming from someone who has been told that he is abit too nasal. I'm not a teacher and I cannot tell subtle flaws. Having said that. It sounded pretty solid other than the nasality.
  12. If you sound exactly like the original you might as well just listen to the original. I try to make a song my own. That means changing the melody. the rhythm, the feel. Sometimes it does not work. Next time I do it different.
  13. My band broke up also. One member was too much of a perfectionist and another didn't want to work on anything.
  14. Cool way to approach things. It seems to be working for you. I know that for some around here the word talented is a bad word. I did not mean that you did not have to work hard for your accomplishments. Singing and playing is one thing but to put it all together and make real music takes skill and talent. Anyway I really like the way you do things.
  15. Yes I say talented. I know music is something that someone works hard on and it takes years and dedication. Aren't you like 17 or close to that. Pretty solid for someone that young. If your approach is different, what do you see as your approach?
  16. I give it an "A" for effort. but it's a bit repetitive. The content is somewhat relevent. It does go off track every now and then. Par for the course.
  17. Thanks. As far as open mouth do you mean at the back teeth or open more in front?
  18. Had to take my kitchen studio down. Any other Tips or comments while I'm preparing for my next shot at it?
  19. It made me dizzy. But that may have been your intention. I felt like falling. If thats the case, Good job.
  20. Being one of the people who post here because I know I have problems, A slap on the back is pretty cool when it comes from most of you here. I know that it doesn't mean that I succeded and can stop trying make things better. It only means to me that I am improoving. Also the reason that I post here is because I know that I have problems and am hoping that someone will hear what I do not. I already think that I am doing things correctly. I see the posts on proper support. I think I am doing that so what's the problem? I see the posts on passaggio. I think I am doing that so what's the problem? On and on... The answer truely is get a coach or professional to teach you. But there are many here who have a coach and are asking the same questions. To them is said get a different coach. That one is not teaching what you need. For me the 50 year old beginner who has been singing since the age of 7 and is still singing with bad emission no twang (other than his hillbilly accent) and lack of focus in his voice, I say if you have a tip or something that helped you over a roadblock please share it. If it takes someone telling me that I am too nasal or lack support, so be it. Usually someone recognizes a problem in others because they had that problem at one time. They are the ones that can help. So why is it that a 50 year old cannot sing with proper support? There was not a forum like this that existed when he was younger. When he asked how he could improove he was told just do it or sing to the back of the room. When he asked other singers that could do it, they did not know themselves. The people are here because they have been in the same situation and they want to help. Or they are here because they are seeking help. So if you tell me that it was bad I believe you and I will try what you suggest. If you tell me something was good I believe there was something good about it.
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