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Everything posted by ronws

  1. Cool song. I was going to say, put it on an album but you already did.
  2. And part of Bolton's modern sound is opera training that he undertook, in part, to record his album of arias, which spent something like 6 weeks at the top of the classical charts, which doesn't normally happen.
  3. Let me ramble a bit to help understand how Bolton got to where he was. I have read his memoirs and I suggest everyone should, whether you are fan of his music, or not.  Anyway, he started out as a rock singer and he plays a number of instruments. 8 albums that went nowhere and 8 tours that were abysmal and ended in the red. He was planning his 9th album and the producer he always worked with made a simple suggestion. He had done a demo of "Dock of the Bay" by Otis Redding, pretty much how he would sing it as a "ballad" on his club dates. And the producer mangaged to convince him to put out a "soul" album. And, after 20 years of being a non-successful rock singer, he became an "over night" sensation as a soul singer and that album blew up on the charts. So, don't be afraid to go where your voice takes you, even if it is not what you were expecting, at first.  
  4. Yeah, there was actually two challenge/tribute threads for "Child in Time." I was in the first one but did not post in the second one.  
  5. I don't know that there is anything to win, nor should there be. I agree, it's a chance to stretch your wings and either try something you have not tried before, or get a chance to shine in a genre you are comfortable with. And I think it's okay to mention who's version you liked best. For the All of Me challenge, it was a dead heat between GSoul, DStarr, and Elvis. With Elvis having a bit more of a rock sound but still valid, I think. And, as I have learned, even if you know the song, it can still trip you up. I have Deep Purple's "Made in Japan" and have listened to it for a few decades and have sang along with this song and "Child in Time" for quite some time. But even I could still mess it up. So, I like Robert's mention that we should also pay attention to recording and having it sound good. We can all sing well. The objective is to get that awesome singing into a file that can be made to sound good. And that is just as much for me to adhere to as anyone else.
  6. It is neat to hear both recordings together. The old recording sounds fuzzier, the new one cleaner. Both have some really good variations of melody and you have such great articulation on the newer one. I like them both with a slight preference for the older one, probably because of the melody choices. I don't know what it is but you had a bit of Tate sound on that. But I like your voice and the newer one is more you than Tate and is just as worthy of applause. 
  7. You do realize, G, new mod buys everyone lunch... right? jk. I think you are a natural for this, having arisen out of  your ideas and you seem well-suited to gathering information and opinions on this.
  8. ​I now have Reaper, as well and I am learning a lot. Don't hesitate to pm me or email me, which I could give in a pm, although I think it shows it on my profile page, too.  
  9. I think it was always a "dark" song to begin with. And you magnified the darkness, if that can be a thing. Way cool, Benny. Ich habe das gern.  
  10. Great cover. It took me a long time to like this song because I couldn't get past the chorus. But the more I listened, the more I admired the song construction and the feeling intended in the song. 
  11. I had a '68 Mustang with a small block 289 cid and a regular Holley 2 bbl carb and C6 auto-tranny with the slapstick on the hump. I beat out bigger cars because I had gonads made of high tensil steel and driving skills. The only car that beat me on the straightway (westbound 635 going through Garland and into Dallas) was one of my college friends. She had a '69 Mustang El Grande with a 302 cid Cobrajet. Left me eating dust. Another time, when I had a '96 Chevy 1/2 ton with a V6 Vortec, I beat a guy who had a Z71 with a stroked 383, for the same reason. Driving skills and commitment to win. Ah, my younger days, when I was going to live forever ....  
  12. When well-known and successful singers cover a song, they don't strive to fit the genre, they make the song they cover fit the genre they are in, or the style of presentation they use. The best example, besides what I listed above that was in a movie, is when Ronnie James Dio covered "Dream On." He did not try to sing like or sound like Steven Tyler. He did it sounding like RJD and his cover became so beloved that a slew of new covers were based on his rendition. Just like a bunch of young guys doing covers of Shinedown's cover of "Simple Man." Although their style is actually kind of close, at times, to Lynrd Skynrd. And professionally,  I could do that. Cover a song the way that I sing a song and make money with it. It's just not acceptable in certain places or instances. In some places, you must sound like the original singer and you must sing it in the original style. I think that is one of the reasons I have not shared my guitar-based cover of "All of Me." A kind of medium travis picking thing and of course, my non "R&B" voice. Because my own voice, even after 41 years of singing is just not acceptable on everything.  Some may think, "are you comparing yourself to Ronnie James Dio (besides having the same first name)?" Yes, I am. As I would compare myself to any other singer, a man made of flesh and blood and not a god or deity.
  13. Earlier this evening, we were watching the new Mark Wahlberg movie, "The Gambler." And one of the songs in there was a reggae cover of a Pink Floyd song. I didn't recognize it until I heard the lyrics. And then, I liked it. Of course, I am an odd duck, appreciating true covers, not tributes. I am probably in a club of one, so I nominate myself as president.  
  14. ​Yeah, I sang outside of my normal style and that was exactly the problem. Best compliment was "interesting take on it" or words to that effect, which is better than "please stop making that noise, for the love of all humanity or even any living creature." So, no, for example, if I sing an r&b song, people are expecting an r&b sound and my own particular sound is not acceptable, to a large degree. I also don't have enough of a rock voice, so I would lose this one, too. But if ya'll get into a Fogelberg challenge, I stand a pretty good chance on that. I don't know what we win in these challenges but I will take two of whatever it is. In addition, I am scary ugly. That is why I was requested to change my avatar. So I changed it to my old dog, Shadow. He is an old guy, too, but he is prettier than I am, which is not saying a lot. So, I am looking for the challenge to look like I could audition for GWAR without make-up and prostheses on yet sound like a folk singer.  
  15. And some better gear, too, in a few, when he gets a chance to record it again with a mic that will have some good response.
  16. I liked it and you had really good articulation. And the spirit of your performance sounded close to the original, for me. That is, you were very "Freddie" without sounding exactly like him.   Good job.
  17.   These days, Daryl sings with a more blues sound, and will sing back up on his own song. So, you are approaching closer. Here is C Lo taking the lead. I love this show and all the guests he has had on there.
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