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Everything posted by ronws

  1. I voted country. If we don't do it this time around, that's fine. But I have a few suggestions, if we do. "All My Rowdy Friends" by Hank Williams, Jr "You Never Even Called Me By My Name" as recorded by David Allan Coe, though he did not write it. "Redneck Mothers" by Ray Wylie Hubbard Granted, these are outlaw country songs.
  2. That was really good, Aravind. It sounds like you wrote it. You had command of the phrases and intention and that was great.
  3. I agree with Robert on the timing issues. It may be latency. As for the sound, it depends on whether or not you are trying to sound like Amy Lee. And you don't sound even close, which is okay. Also, this is not an upbeat pop song. It is more like a dirge. So, I don't know how "bad" you sound on an upbeat song until you sing one.
  4. And thanks, guys, for the good comments. I actually describe what I did in my thread on Reaper. I have sang this song for many years but can still mess up while recording.
  5. ​Gracias, Hermano. I recorded this differently than I have before. Each section was recorded separately and moved to another track. So, each chorus is a separate media item that I can do stuff to.
  6. Thanks, Scott. I was thinking about that, even if I had to use an automation envelope. Edited to add: I think I fixed it. Not automation, which I could have done. But what I did do was snip around each time of the high part of the chorus, making it a separate item and reduced volume in just those particular items. Easy fix and I should have thought of it before but you, Scott, commenting on it got me to thinking. So, again, thanks. Nice save.
  7. Here is my attempt, also at trying to mix for a good balance of music with voice. https://app.box.com/s/em0tqq2maxoxp5kllc7wwz89a986oci7
  8. If I can ask, how are you monitoring while recording the vocal track? Through the software or with a zero latency interface?
  9. ​Your delivery was, to me, soft and laid back. Like I was in a piano bar listening to a smoky singer while sipping on scotch (with a soda chaser.)
  10. Well done. This song is not easy. Such a wide range. And I really liked how you changed the timing and phrasing to suit yourself. And I could imagine you singing it to your son. Just as Geoff wrote this after his son was born. Becoming a father makes the whole world change. I say that, even though I have never had children.
  11. That was really good, Denis. I'm from the USA and my English is not the best, so don't worry.
  12. Thanks for linking that, Jabroni. I had not realized that pretty much all of the vocal, and especially the chorus, was double or triple tracked.
  13. I think you are almost there on the mix. Often times, singers are loud and soft depending on mic proximity. What I really liked was how clean your track sounded. So, what I would do is put compressor on it and then balance the volume with that of the backing track. You already have a good reverb on it and I would probably keep it at that. And yes, you have some neat "screams" in there that I think work well in this song. Like you said, it's a rough take but you've got the pieces in all the right places and so I am not addressing pitch issues. Once you sing this like you wrote it, you have it solid.
  14. Actually, Olem, I like Felipe's accent. And when I hear others for whom american English is not their native dialect and language, I still like how they sound. But I also applaud when someone is able to sound american when they sing a song. That is, I don't have a judgement against either. Which doesn't mean I don't have standards. It's just that different accent is not an issue for me. Sometimes, hearing a song with an accent makes it more romantic. I have a profane version of "O Sole Mio" that I sing in English and in (mexican) Spanish. And I like it better in Spanish, it sounds more romantic. And I have been told that I speak Spanish like a mexican when I do it, which makes sense, since I learned it primarily from mexicans. Though, I do have one guy in our company from El Savador and his accent and tone is that of Christopher Walken. So, imagine Christopher Walken speaking El Salvadoran!
  15. I have found that you, MDEW, sound a number of different singers, depending on the song. Times where. You sounded very much like the original on "Sister Goldenhair." But you also sounded a lot like Phil Collins on your cover of "Against All Odds." You did well on "Mama, I'm Coming Home" by Ozzy Osbourne. Each of those guys finds a resonant pocket or pockets in his voice that may be different from the placements they use to speak. It's hard for a lot of guys to realize and accept that you have to sing differently than you speak. Even though you have a great storyteller voice.
  16. Really good effort, Pekka. If I could suggest something. You have an awesome squeal on the first high note during the intro. Do that sound for the lyrics "I love it! I need it!" It will sound more beefy that way. I know you have the range. I just want to hear you use it.
  17. Songs like this fit right in your voice and style.
  18. I liked it. And for some reason, on this, your sound reminded me of Paul Stanley. So, I saw you in Kiss make-up and platforms and sporting a Les Paul.
  19. Awesome, as usual, Igor. And kudos for covering King Diamond. Not many guys will do that because, I think, they have a religious objection to anything remotely connected with falsetto.
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