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Everything posted by ronws

  1. You are lucky to have Robert want to listen to you. You need some training and he has just the program that will help you. You are speaking the lyrics instead of singing them. You need to sing them, think of the voice as an instrument, not just reciting prose. And for that, you need to control the breath, while breath is often NOT controlled in speaking. It must be controlled in singing. You will want to get some cry into your voice, which means stepping outside of how you normally speak, even if you are speaking English.
  2. Sirens are good for training but they are not singing. Doing a siren is usually on one vowel when a song has articulation. Rather than worry about how tough a song is based on range, worry instead about how to create the apparent sounds of words while singing. And to disagree with Bob and others just a little, if you want to do this song, do it. To me, part of the secret pill to singing is that there are no easy or hard songs. They are all the same difficulty and challenge.
  3. That is awesome, as I also like Meatloaf. From the Bat albums and also from Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  4. It's not a song killer and if you did this live, there would be nothing but applause.
  5. I liked it. Funny thing, your sense of drama in the vocal reminded me of Meatloaf (Michael Aday.)
  6. Pretty good. I think you went a little sharp on the high note (C5.) Or it is an artifact of your mic, maybe highlighting something else.
  7. I think Jens hit it on the head. You were changing shape too much and throwing off your resonance, which is causing the note to break and then you end up pushing. I also agree with Bob that some songs may be just outside your technical ability but, then, I am on your side and having a song such as this is a worthy goal.
  8. Ecxellent take but you are going to have to be a bit more specific if you want to point out the fatigue. Maybe it sticks out to you like a sore thumb, and to you only. I don't hear fatigue. And that is part of why I don't offer excuses for a song when presenting it. There were a few times I thought I was weak on something and someone else thought it was strong and all I had to do was keep my mouth shut and accept the applause. Why? Maybe not for anyone else in the world, I know, but for me, there is always the possibility that I could be wrong, even just a little.
  9. Hi, softerserve, way cool avatar. Sounds like an allergy problem, a health problem. There are various remedies over the counter to cut down on phlegm and other congestion problems. Do you have a doctor that you see?
  10. Ed, I agree with Killer's assessment. You most have the song under your belt, just a little more brightness here and there could be cool.
  11. Awesome, Killer, this song and your voice go together so well, especially with your arrangement. One of the highlights for me is the dynamics, the loud, soft, high, and low. Well done.
  12. I had not won when participating in it before but hey, a chance to get something free is worth the time to answer the survey or fill out the questionaire or whatever format it is. If am already at the computer soaking up air conditioning, might as well use the time wisely.
  13. No offense, Tim, but I agree with Robert. Please, step away from the body glove ....
  14. I skipped by your link at first but now I see it. A good song for your range. And you definitely have a thick french accent. And this was good enough if you are singing the song like a french folk singer.
  15. I thought you were doing a cover of the song, rather than linking in a video of the original.
  16. I agree that you need better mic placement to get the voice better but I liked this. I like lesser known stuff and lesser known bands. Here is one for you to research. Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen.
  17. I love this song and this band and as great as the singer is, I want to say that Reid is one of the most under-appreciated guitarists, ever. When I first heard this song, I felt that someone cloned from DNA from Jimmy Page and Alex Lifeson to create that. Anyway, good job, Timotheus. What also impressed me is that you were really good with breath management. You had a good and even volume across the whole song. And, of course, kudos to a great teacher.
  18. Long time since I had an Olem fix of JP. True, your voice has a lot weight in this but that is okay. As for shedding weight in the voice, you might do that from the start. That is, sing the verses a little bit lighter and then, your voice is already light enough to ascend.
  19. Musicals could be fun. "In short, there's simply not A more congenial spot For happily everafter'ing Than here in Camelot."
  20. Thanks for fixing the avatar. I usually like to find something in a performance or recording that is good to note, as well as whatever needs fixing. And this had nothing good for me. I know you have done other stuff better, before. This may be the wrong song for you. Especially if you are trying to sing light, like Steve Perry. You had no pitch control whatsoever, tone was wrong, And a sometimes, you completely lost the melody. Seriously, I can count on one hand the number of times I completely had nothing good to say. And problem is, if you were to sing it like a Led Zep song, for example, it would be totally wrong with this arrangement recorded like the original. That is, if you had a metalcore version, then you could do something with that. I know you have sang high stuff before, so this is not out of your range. But there is more to singing a song than just having the range. I know because I have made similar mistakes. Choosing a song that doesn't really fit me and so identifiable to others. Maybe you couldn't hear the music. But, if I were you, I would choose another song. Either that, or sing this one lower, especially if you can get the track transposed lower.
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